Free and easy fitness tips
Being physically active, as described by the Healthy Ireland national framework, is one of the most important measures that people of all ages can take to improve health and mental wellbeing.
According to NI Direct, the best kind of physical activity is the one that makes you a little warmer and out of breath, making your heart and pulse pump slightly faster.
Staying fit is easy and does not necessarily have to “cost an arm and leg”. Try these simple fitness practices at no cost and most importantly at your own pace.

Go out and take a walk
If you haven’t been walking as much, there is no better time to start and the #KTL60DaysExerciseChallenge is in full swing to support this initiative.
Just go out and take a walk today! Fitvision’s Health and Wellbeing Coach, Mark O’Reilly, in an interview mentioned how “there’s a lot to be said for exercising outside; fresh air, natural light, and beautiful greenery can work wonders. 30 minutes of walking daily can increase cardiovascular fitness among many other benefits in maintaining and improving overall health. Irish Life Health in its winter fitness article suggests getting off public transportation a few stops early and taking as many stairs as possible to build exercise.

Start slow and increase gradually
If you haven't been exercising for quite some time (or ever), it’s never too late to start. Where experts around the world would recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise five times in a week, what you can do, to begin with, is to split the activity into smaller 10-minute periods -- even a 5/10-minute brisk walk really goes a long way. It is then advised that you increase the intensity once you’re comfortable with your starting pace. Gina Hemmings, a personal trainer, reminds the public to make sure you are slightly out of breath – otherwise, it’s not working. If you would like to try running, NHS has a Couch to 5K app which will guide you to gradually run 5km in just nine weeks!

Workstation hacks
Despite being busy with workload and deadlines, working adults can always find some time to include simple fitness hacks at your workspace. If you’re working on-site or in the office, HSE recommends keeping a pair of runners close by to take a walk at lunch. While remote working, stretching in your chair every half an hour should also make a good habit. Even better, Irish Times revealed from a new study that walking as little as 15 steps from your desk every 30 minutes can improve blood sugar control.
Where there’s a will, there’s away. It is very important to incorporate more physical activities in our day-to-day life in order to stay fit. It’s never too late to try these activities and start a better fitness habit today. Most importantly, they’re all free and easy to do!
When the weather is inclement, remember even the littlest form of exercise can make you feel better.
Keep up to date with the #KTL60DaysExcercise challenge on our LinkedIn page.